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Petition Seeks Investigation of Joe Biden Covering Up Lynchings of Five Black People in Delaware

by | Sep 14, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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A new petition is now online seeking a full investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) into the “willful inactions” of Vice President Joe Biden and Delaware Attorney General  Beau Biden for “what we be believe, on the basis of substantial evidence is the cover-up of racially motivated murders  and the connections between these murders.”

The petition reads:

Over the last decade, five known suspicious hangings and multiple accidental drownings of African Americans have gripped Delaware’s Kent County’s black community. Despite compelling evidence of foul play and the work of a few committed activists and local politicians, incidents were played down and swiftly filed away. Now We demand an inquiry into the actions or willful inactions of the Bidens both Delaware Attorney General  Beau Biden and Senator and Vice President Joe Biden regarding what we be beleive, on the basis of substantial evidence is the cover-up of racially motivated murders  and the connections between these murders. We need to know why the State of Delaware and the United States Department of Justice knew about and did nothing about the organized , systematic lyching of young Black Men.

In 2010, pamphlets circulating throughout Kent County, DE, illustrating of a young black man hanging with the words “Cleaning Up The Streets One Ni**er at a Time”. This shocked the campus of historically black college Delaware State University. Devoid of thorough investigative procedure, families were barred from access to the deceased for days, clothes were washed without warning, and autopsies were breezed over or skipped altogether. Each incident was quickly ruled a suicide and families were left with more questions than answers. There was one survivor of an attempted lynching in 2012, and despite his testimony, a recorded 911 call, witnesses, sworn statements to Attorney General Beau Biden, and a Dover Human Relations Commission, his story was discredited and suppressed. 

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We are demanding a full investigation by Attorney General William Barr , US Department of Justice into all hanging and drowning deaths ruled suicides in and around Dover, DE from 2010-Present. The families of the deceased and the lone surviving victim were not given the courtesy which should have been granted. This is why we absolutely believe that the oversight of the US Department of Justice is required to achieve justice in this matter. Sign, support and share.

During a time of significant racial unrest in this country, Joe Biden has consistently set himself up as a “friend” to the black community, asserting that if you can’t decide between him and Donald Trump, “you ain’t black.” Biden has consistently made racist remarks regarding black people, recently stating that black people aren’t diverse “unlike Latinos,” and has nonchalantly repeated racial slurs during his tenure as Senator and Vice President.

In March, Biden spoke at a black church and said, in reference to Trump, “we’ve got a boll-weevil to get rid of,” which was a reference to chattel slaves working in the cotton fields.

It would be interesting to see if there were any part Biden played in covering up actual, racist attacks.

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