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NYC Catholic Church Replaces Jesus at the Altar With George Floyd

by | Sep 1, 2020 | Apostasy, News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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A Catholic church in New York City has replaced Jesus on their altar with graven images of their new “martyred saints” of “racial injustice” and has offered a prayer to their god for their commitment to their new religion of “racial equity.”

The Reverend, Kenneth Boller, SJ of St. Francis Xavier in NYC offered a prayer to commit the church to acknowledge their “white privilege,” fight against “racial injustice,” promote “racial equity,” and to “strive to eliminate racial prejudice from your thoughts and actions so that you can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church.”

On the altar, instead of Jesus, you can see pictures of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery — all people who have been hailed as martyrs for the cause of “racial justice” by Marxist revolutionaries. Churches, too, have embraced this religion.

Just to be clear, the Roman Catholic Church removed Jesus from their altar long ago and replaced Him with an idol of self-sufficiency, works righteousness, and sacerdotalism. To the Roman Catholic, the cross is insufficient to remove the guilty stains of sin from the sinner and their religion requires an endless cycle of confession and penance, continually moving one from a state of grace to a state of damnation. Salvation is never secure. So, it should come as no surprise that these churches take the same approach to the history of racism in this country. To them, the stain hasn’t been — and never can be — fully removed and thus requires endless acts of penance and restitution on behalf of their ancestors who may or may not have committed the sin of racism.

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But this religion isn’t unique to the Roman Catholic Church. An increasing number of Evangelical churches, including Southern Baptist and Presbyterian churches, are embracing this new religion. “Racial justice” has become a recurring theme at Evangelical meetings and sadly, the majority of Evangelical leaders are pushing the exact same theology.

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