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Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry

by | Dec 4, 2024 | News

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Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.” An actual program named HAIL is now part of the school day, offering kids “off-campus” lessons from an organization that openly mocks Christianity while claiming to promote “compassion” and “empathy.”

If this doesn’t raise alarm bells, you’re not paying attention. The fox isn’t just guarding the henhouse—it’s hosting workshops on critical thinking and empathy while sharpening its claws.

Of course, they’ll tell you this isn’t about indoctrination. No, no—this is about “secular values” and “diverse educational opportunities.” Sure it is. Just like it’s about “equity” when they teach your kids that gender is a social construct and that men can get pregnant.

Public schools have long been the breeding ground for every godless ideology under the sun…nothing new, of course. They’ve pushed evolution as gospel, secularism as enlightenment, and queer theory as liberation. Now, they’re just being more honest about it. The Satanic Temple isn’t the beginning of the problem—it’s the logical conclusion of decades of public education bowing to the spirit of the age.

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Think about it. This is the same system that demands kids recite the creeds of secularism every day. “You’re an accident,” they teach, thanks to evolution. “Your morality is subjective,” they insist, thanks to the death of absolute truth. “Your gender is fluid,” they declare, as though confusion were a virtue.

And now, the very organization that celebrates rebellion against God has waltzed into public schools with the blessing of the administrators, offering lessons in “diversity” and “creative expression.” What exactly is “creative expression” in the context of The Satanic Temple? Drawing pentagrams? Writing essays about how Lucifer was misunderstood? The euphemisms write themselves.

Of course, everyone knows that this isn’t education. It’s indoctrination, plain and simple. And yet, parents keep sending their kids to these “schools,” convinced that it’s just another day in the classroom. But if we’re completely honest with ourselves, we have to ask:

What kind of classroom offers queer theory as curriculum, drag queens as guest speakers, and now Satanic Temple programs as extracurriculars?

Not that we want public schools to become churches, dedicated to the the worship of God—that’s the role of the home and the local church. The better option is to eliminate the public school system altogether. But the reality is that public schools have become temples to every god except the one true God. They’ve expelled prayer, silenced Scripture, and scrubbed the Ten Commandments off their walls, only to fill the void with rainbow flags, Marxist slogans, and now Satan’s mascot.

But don’t worry—this isn’t about religion, they say. Public schools are “neutral,” they’ll insist, even as they celebrate every form of rebellion against God and call it progress.

Neutral? Neutrality doesn’t exist in the war for souls.

When you kick God out of the classroom, don’t be surprised when Satan sets up shop. And here we are, with programs like HAIL proudly advertising themselves as an “alternative” to Christian-based options. Alternative to what? To truth? To salvation? To the only hope these kids will ever have?

Let’s not deceive ourselves, the Satanic Temple’s presence in schools is not some quirky, harmless footnote in the culture wars. It’s a neon sign flashing the reality that public education has been on this trajectory for decades. They’ve traded God for government, truth for tolerance, and holiness for hedonism. And now, the mask is off. The schoolhouse is the devil’s playground, and the teachers are handing him the keys with a smile.

So, here’s where I have to ask: What will it take for parents to wake up? How much more evidence do we need that public schools are no longer neutral ground, but enemy territory? If a program named HAIL doesn’t do it, what will?

The line has been crossed—again—and we can no longer be passively ignorant. Because while the world cheers this as “progress,” the consequences are eternal. We aren’t just failing our children—we’re sacrificing them on the altar of cultural idolatry. Look at Edgewood. It’s just one of many. Look at the headlines. And then look in the mirror and ask what you’re going to do about it.

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