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Kamala Harris Is No Esther, She’s Jezebel

by | Oct 22, 2024 | News

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New Birth Missionary Baptist Church “pastor,” Jamal Bryant, in a sermon that could only be described as blatant political pandering, directly compared Kamala Harris to Esther, preaching directly to her, telling her that she was “born to lead a nation” and “change the trajectory of democracy.”

He proclaimed from the pulpit, directly to the Vice President, “Who knew that 60 years ago today you were born to be president?… But you were born for such a time as this.” This impetuous perversion of Scripture was a desperate attempt to elevate Harris to a biblical status she neither earns nor embodies, aligning her with one of history’s most righteous women all while she champions some of the most heinous, anti-Christ policies imaginable.

Kamala Harris is no Esther, and it’s insulting to suggest otherwise. If anything, she’s more akin to Jezebel—an ambitious, power-hungry figure who twisted morality for personal gain and unrighteousness. Esther was chosen by God, selflessly risking her life to save her people. Harris? Well, she slept her way to the top, leveraging relationships like her affair with Willie Brown to secure political power.

Esther fought for life, but Harris champions abortion—actively advocating for the destruction of the unborn, the most vulnerable among us.

Jezebel, like Harris, wielded power with ruthless determination, leaving a trail of immorality and bloodshed in her wake. Jezebel used her influence to advance the worship of Baal, while Harris uses hers to promote policies that directly conflict with God’s design for family and life.

Abortion is Kamala Harris’ altar, and the unborn are her sacrifice. Esther, by contrast, would have never stood for the murder of innocent children. Harris doesn’t save her people—she sacrifices them.

And let’s not forget Jezebel’s manipulation of power. Just as Jezebel schemed and plotted to advance her own authority, so too does Harris cloak her ambition in a veil of “compassion,” while her deeds betray her true motives. Who knows how many lives her pro-abortion policies have cost, and who will call her out for glorifying the destruction of life under the guise of justice?

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Esther acted with humility and grace, while Harris’s track record of climbing the political ladder on the backs—both figuratively and literally—of others reveals a character far closer to Jezebel’s deceit and thirst for control than anyone else in Scripture.

Esther was chosen for such a time as this, according to Scripture. But perhaps Harris was chosen, as well. She was chosen by the architects of destruction—the very ones seeking to tear down God’s design for life, marriage, and morality. And perhaps, chosen by Satan himself, to serve and carry out the deeds of anti-Christ? Maybe. But she certainly doesn’t serve the same God Esther served.

So, let’s be clear—Kamala Harris is no Esther. She’s a modern-day Jezebel, pushing policies that glorify death, cloaking her ambition in the language of righteousness while leading a nation into moral decay. If Harris has a biblical counterpart, it’s the queen who led her people astray—not the queen who saved them.

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