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America Has Chosen Wickedness and God is Giving America Wicked Rulers

by | Oct 2, 2024 | News

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As I watched the debate last night, a grim realization settled over me—this isn’t Kansas anymore. It’s more obvious now than ever before. Something feels off, something has changed. What we once knew, the life we cherished as kids, has slipped through our fingers. It’s gone. And as I sat there, John Calvin’s words struck me, searing into my thoughts:

“When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.”

Those words clung to my mind, haunting me through the long, sleepless hours of the night. If we look at America today, we can see a picture that perfectly illustrates this truth. Our nation is being governed by leaders—both Democrat and Republican—who embody not the virtues of righteousness, but the very essence of wickedness.

And today, there is no escape, nowhere to flee, no other “greatest country in the world” to seek refuge in.

Jeremiah 23:19 says, “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.” How can anyone deny that this whirlwind of divine judgment is churning right over our nation?

Let’s not play pretend—like some Evangelical leaders are doing today—like the Democrat party has some kind of moral high ground over Republicans. The Democrat party, with its open celebration of sin and mockery of basic human morality, is parading our nation toward God’s wrath. Church leaders, who should know better, have begun to align with them, in the name of “love” and “compassion” when it’s really nothing more than their personal grievances on display.

They cozy up to progressive politics and talk about “social justice,” ignoring the stench of death that hangs over abortion clinics and the debauchery flaunted in the streets. How can they square this with the Word of God? Have they forgotten Isaiah 5:20:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil”?

No, I will never support the Democrat party—not in the slightest. It’s a den of wickedness, through and through. But here’s where it gets a little dicey. Even the so-called “lesser of two evils” is becoming harder to distinguish from the darkness it once claimed to oppose.

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Remember when Republicans used to stand for life? When part of their platform was to defend life and oppose abortion? Certainly not in the Vice Presidential debate last night between JD Vance and Tim Walz. Now, you hear more and more of them waffling on abortion, hiding behind political doublespeak about “exceptions” and “states’ rights.”

And Trump has certainly turned out to not to be the “strong pro-life president” we thought we had during his first term.

Just look at the evolving rhetoric in the party. When was the last time you heard a Republican leader say unequivocally, “Abortion is murder, and we will not tolerate it”? Sure, there are a few—Dusty Deevers comes to mind. But in the federal government, you get milquetoast language about “respecting differing views.”

What happened to calling sin what it is—sin?

And the GOP has taken a turn on the modern Sodom and Gomorrah “LGBTQ” movement that should make any Bible-believing Christian’s blood boil. It now openly embraces a worldview that Romans 1 describes as evidence of God’s judgment on a people who have turned their backs on Him.

Let that sink in—the LGBTQ movement isn’t just a sin, it’s the consequence of abandoning God. It’s like they are waving a rainbow flag that reads, “We are under judgment!” Yet, Republican leaders smile and assure everyone that they’re the “big tent party” now. Well, what’s the point of a tent if it’s already burning to the ground?

America’s leaders, both Democrat and Republican, are like blind guides leading the blind. They argue over “policies” and “rights” as if morality were a matter of public opinion. They talk about freedom, but it’s a hollow freedom—the freedom to sin without restraint.

They praise themselves for their “moderation” and “compassion,” yet their hands drip with the blood of the unborn and their mouths are full of lies about human nature and sexuality. How do they not see that they are merely actors in a tragic play, reciting lines of foolishness while the theater crumbles around them?

So, what are we witnessing? It’s the unraveling of a nation, inch by inch, sin by sin. Is it any surprise that our leaders are wicked when our society as a whole has embraced wickedness? After all, rulers don’t emerge in a vacuum. They are the product of the people they lead, the reflection of a collective heart that has turned away from God. Is this not what the prophet Hosea spoke of when he said,

“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind” (Hosea 8:7)?

We find ourselves surrounded by an abyss of incompetence, hypocrisy, and deceit, yet many still look to human wisdom for answers. What a laughable tragedy! But the only one who will be laughing is God as He pours out His wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.

The blind lead the blind, and they wonder why they keep falling into the ditch. The national puppets boast about their “progressive” and “inclusive” policies, but it’s nothing more than a polished veneer on a rotting corpse.

The political discourse is like a grand illusion—the very leaders who promise “hope” and “change” bring nothing but despair and destruction. The ones who speak of “freedom” chain the nation to its sins.

So I ask, where do we turn for leadership when both the left and the right seem bent on steering us straight into the storm of God’s judgment? How do we find hope when even our so-called “conservative” leaders have gone soft on issues that are fundamental to God’s law?

It’s almost as if the entire system is rigged to self-destruct, and we’re merely watching the clock tick down to the inevitable collapse.

Make no mistake, the whirlwind is here. We see it in the rise of godless ideologies, the confusion of basic morality, and the elevation of human reason over God’s wisdom. God has given America wicked leaders because America, by and large, has chosen wickedness.

The storm is already swirling, and those who have eyes to see can only watch in solemn acknowledgment that what we’re witnessing is nothing short of divine judgment.

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