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Andy Stanley Says “Theological Diversity” Looks Like the Kingdom of God

by | Aug 26, 2024 | News

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Andy Stanley’s disdain for the Holy Scriptures is a well-established fact, and it is nothing new that he has been vocal in his condemnation of the inerrancy and authority of the Word of God.

Andy Stanley says “theological diversity” is his church’s strength because it models what the Kingdom of God looks like—because nothing says “unity in Christ” like a theological free-for-all where everyone gets to pick their own contradictory “truth,” right?

Apparently, the Kingdom of Andy Stanley’s god is a place where doctrines and biblical teaching is just a buffet line, and you can skip the parts you don’t like, all in the name of diversity. Who cares if you believe in the Trinity? Who cares if Jesus is divine or not? Who cares about any of that stuff?

Who knew that centuries of church fathers, martyrs, and councils were just wasting their time trying to nail down what Scripture actually teaches? According to Stanley, the real path to spiritual maturity is to embrace every contradictory idea under the sun and call it unity.

Maybe next he’ll tell us that confusion is the new clarity and chaos is the new order—because, why not?

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