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Rick Joyner Says We Don’t Have to Worry Because He’s Been Visiting Heaven and No One Up There is Worried

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Opinion, Religion

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NAR “prophet” and “apostle,” Rick Joyner, says we don’t have to worry, because he’s been hanging out in heaven where everything is just peachy. While the world faces genuine crises, Joyner is busy taking celestial vacations and bringing back “revelations” that conveniently elevate his own status.

The “heaven tourism” industry is thriving, and Joyner’s latest trip is just another pit stop in the long line of self-proclaimed prophets and apostles who peddle personal experiences over biblical truth.

This entire movement of modern “prophets and apostles” is a spiritual circus, with charlatans like Joyner leading the parade. They promise insider information from God, yet their supposed “prophecies” are vague, self-serving, and completely unverifiable.

Unlike the true prophets of the Bible, who called people to repentance and faith and obedience to God’s Word, today’s so-called prophets are more interested in expanding their platforms and selling books.

The real tragedy here is that these distractions lead people away from the sufficiency of Scripture. Instead of digging into the rich, transformative power of God’s Word, people are enticed by the latest heavenly gossip from these spiritual tourists.

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