JD Greear is running for cover on social media as he is being exposed for the compromised, faux “shepherd” that he is. A clip was posted on X yesterday where Greear admits during a sermon that there are people who attend his church that also work in abortion clinics.
In this clip, he argues that women who “entered that profession” (of killing babies” did it “not because of any ill will,” but “because you wanted to serve.”
Okay, so Greear argues that Wolfe is “misquoting” him, and that these women aren’t members—and can’t be members—but are only there to “hear the gospel.”
Here’s what they’re all forgetting about, though: Not only are pro-choice women “attending” Greear’s church, but they are also members—and at least one served as a small group leader as a member of nine years.
Shrader also proudly boasts that she’s a small-group leader at Summit Church.

But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. — Revelation 2:20
But who exactly is Rebecca Shrader?
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Rebecca Shrader refers to herself as a “pro-life feminist, pro-choice Christian.” Apparently, from this, she acknowledges that from a historic Christian perspective, she would be considered pro-choice. And she is. This, she proudly boasted on her Twitter biography until she recently changed it after being confronted on Twitter.

While she has since deleted the “Pro-choice Christian” from her Twitter account, one thing is clear: she is avidly pro-choice. A simple perusal of her Twitter account will reveal that she’s deeply embedded in this “third-way” mentality of abortion politics that seeks to redefine what it means to be pro-life. It can be summed up quite succinctly:
I’m personally pro-life, but I believe every woman should be able to choose what’s best for her.
In other words, she’s pro-choice. She defends Planned Parenthood,

And is well-versed in all of the Democrat talking points on abortion. Things like Planned Parenthood provides pap smears and “I’m voting for policies that reduce abortions (BC, healthcare, education, paid leave, etc).” Oh, and those things “people shout at these women” … that’s called the gospel. I’ve been there. I do it.

It’s amazing that a woman who calls herself a Christian needs to be reminded that, according to Scripture, a murderer’s “portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur” (Revelation 21:8), and if she withholds that truth from those who need to hear it, their blood will be on her hands (Ezekiel 3:18).
Rebecca Shrader has a blog post at Scary Mommy where she defends her pro-choice views. The blog, titled Why My Views on Abortion Changed, explains how she grew up believing that abortion is a sin, but after seeing women “suffer” through pregnancies and children in the womb having conditions that are “incompatible with life,” she has since changed her views to reflect that she wants “America to have the complex freedom of choice.”
Abortion shouldn’t be viewed in absolutes, regardless of what the church or politics tell you. My personal religious beliefs that life begins at conception shouldn’t impact your beliefs or ability to make your own decisions. We are not a Christian nation, and many people do not believe like me when they make the decision to end a pregnancy. Even if they do, there are many reasons people make that decision…Regardless of beliefs, I feel the church should be the safe place where wounded people go to become whole.
It shouldn’t have to be explained to a Christian that any view of “choice” in abortion is incompatible with Christianity. She boasts that her own “personal religious beliefs that life begins at conception,” yet, if she actually believed that, she wouldn’t believe that it’s okay for other women to murder their children. But what actually changed her views on abortion was watching her friend kill her child:
What really changed my view on abortion was watching a friend I adored go through her own crisis pregnancy and choose termination. She also had a baby with a condition “incompatible with life.” Every thought that raced through my mind when we received that news was racing through hers just the same. The devastation and searing pain of loss, the fear of having to hold her child’s lifeless body in her actual hands, the thought of having to prolong their goodbye to their only child. A swift decision needed to be made as time was running out on her options. Days later, she walked through a gauntlet of “pro-life” protesters at the abortion clinic. The graphic posters, the inhumane shouting and the horrific judgments only amplified her fear and shame and solidified her decision. She didn’t feel compassion or love, she just wanted this nightmare to be over.
See, the problem is that this woman — like so many other unregenerate feminists (both male and female) — have a self-entitlement view of God. They do not know who God is and understand the human condition before Him. They believe that the choice to live or die belongs to them rather than God. And this view is incompatible with God. It is anti-Christ. Regardless of what feminists like Rebecca Shrader say, abortion is not a “gray area.” God hates it! (Proverbs 6:17)

In no way should a Bible-believing, God-honoring Christian ever believe that murder in any form is acceptable—but this small group leader at former Southern Baptist President, JD Greear’s Summit Church does.