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ERLC Chairman Who Calls Trump Voters ‘Whores for Trump’ Resigns After Firing Leatherwood

by | Jul 23, 2024 | News

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Kevin Smith, the chairman of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) Board of Trustees, has resigned following his dismissal of Brent Leatherwood. Smith, known for his controversial statement referring to Trump supporters as “whores for Trump,” admitted to acting alone and violating the ERLC’s bylaws in the decision to fire Leatherwood.

The ERLC’s executive committee issued a retraction, stating, “As members of the ERLC’s Executive Committee, we formally retract the press release which was sent yesterday. There was not an authorized meeting, vote, or action taken by the Executive Committee. Kevin Smith has resigned as Chair of the Executive Committee. Brent Leatherwood remains the President of the ERLC and has our support moving forward.”

Responding to the news that Smith “acted alone” and Leatherwood was subsequently reinstated, former ERLC head and far left progressive activist called Smith “evil” and “stupid.”

On a personal speculative note, I’m not buying for one second that Smith, a far-left progressive, would act alone in firing another far-left progressive. Something else is going on here, and we’re determined to get to the bottom of it. Stay tuned.

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