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New York Catholic Parish to Celebrate LGBTQ Mass Ahead of NY Pride Festival

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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(New York, NY — The Dissenter) The Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi in New York City is preparing to celebrate a “Pre-Pride Festive” mass, aligning itself with the city’s Pride festival. The parish, which has long touted its LGBT “ministry,” promotes homosexual and other aberrant lifestyles. This “ministry,” under the guise of inclusivity, is an insult to God, a stench in His nostrils.

This mass is particularly egregious, even more so than a normal Catholic mass. Not only does it misrepresent the sacrifice of Christ, but it also blasphemes Him by openly defying God’s created order. This mass, marketed as a celebration of “inclusivity” and “acceptance,” is, in reality, a rejection of the biblical call to repentance and holiness, effectively lifting a proverbial middle finger to God’s created order.

This disturbing event, though not the first for the Roman Catholic Church, is a reminder of what happens when a church rejects the absolute authority of the Scriptures. Whether it’s apostate Protestant churches, lukewarm Evangelicals, or Roman Catholic churches, the rejection of biblical authority leads to inevitable doctrinal and moral decline—whores masquerading as the bride of Christ.

The Church of St. Francis of Assisi’s celebration spotlights a broader trend of compromise and downgrade within the vast majority of modern churches that dishonor the name of Christ. The fruit of such compromise is evident in their steady drift away from the clear teachings of Scripture.

Rest assured, this isn’t the end, but only the beginning. The true Bride of Christ is dwindling fast, God is separating the sheep from the goats, and it won’t be long before even mentioning the name of Christ will bring the wrath of the world upon the shoulders of the Church.

However, thou shalt not fear man, but God.

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