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Two Years After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade, Where Are We?

by | Jun 25, 2024 | News

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Two years after the overturning of the most egregious Supreme Court ruling in American history, Roe v. Wade, we’ve witnessed the double-edged effects of such a horrific stain on our nation. And after overturning it, we’re still seeing the lasting effects of Roe v. Wade—effects that will take as long, if not longer, to undo than the decades it took to build the ideologies and laws that supported it.

The lasting influence of Roe v. Wade extends far beyond the legal realm, casting a shadow over the moral and ethical backbone of our nation. For decades, Roe v. Wade deadened the national conscience, normalizing a horrific and appalling attack against the Image of God. This desensitization to the gravity of abortion has permeated generations, numbing the collective moral compass toward the plight of the unborn.

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, supposedly shifting the “power” to “regulate” the systematic murder of innocent children back to the states, the national attitude towards abortion remains alarmingly liberal. Surveys reveal that far more than half of the U.S. population finds abortion acceptable under most circumstances. Notably, even within conservative circles, such as the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission led by Brent Leatherwood, the notion of holding mothers accountable for undergoing abortions remains largely opposed.

Since the overturning, the legislative landscape has been a patchwork of contrasting extemes. States with conservative leadership have taken heavier steps to restrict abortion while liberal states have moved in the opposite direction, entrenching abortion as a so-called “right” within their legal frameworks. According to the Guttmacher Institute, while some states have seen dramatic decreases in abortion rates due to new restrictions, others have experienced surges, facilitated by cross-state travels and more liberal local policies. For example, states like Illinois and New York have seen increases in abortion numbers as they become havens for those seeking abortions from more restrictive neighboring states.

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This legislative tug-of-war spotlights an important truth: while laws are essential for safeguarding the dignity of life, they are insufficient on their own to foster a culture that truly values the unborn. The heart of the matter lies not in legislation but in the sovereign rule of God. A change of heart and conscience can only be achieved by a work of the Holy Spirit through the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the gospel that has the power to change hearts and minds, to restore recognition of the image of God in every human being, even in the womb.

As Christians, our mission extends beyond the courts and into the hearts of people. We must engage with conviction, while aiming to restrict the evil of abortion through legislation, ultimately aiming to turn people to Christ. Only then, can we shift the societal view of unborn lives from mere “clumps of cells” to the bearers of God’s image that they truly are, worthy of protection. Our efforts must not only be in the halls of justice but also in the day-to-day interactions where we reflect God’s grace and truth.

This challenge is formidable but not insurmountable. The gospel offers the only true solution to the crisis of conscience our nation faces—a crisis brought forth by decades of moral compromise and ethical erosion. As we advocate for laws that reflect God’s commandments, we must also pray fervently for a revival in our land—a revival that reawakens the value of all human life, crafted wonderfully by our Creator.

In this mission, we are reminded of the gravity of our call and the urgency of the need, that we must proceed with both relentless resolve and conviction, as we proclaim the work of Christ on the cross, bearing witness to the truth in a world that desperately needs it.

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