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Contemporary Worship is a Breeding Ground for Idolatry and False Worship, Leading to Judgment

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, Opinion, Religion, The Church

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The Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) industry is a modern-day embodiment of false worship and idolatry—mooching off the name of Christ to launch careers, only to end up apostatizing, blaspheming Him, and supporting the very things God abhors, like homosexuality, abortion, and more. This industry is a prime example of how worship can become a shallow veneer—think of a gold-plated apple that’s rotten to the core—masking a reality of self-indulgence and rebellion against God’s holiness.

It’s undeniable from Scripture that God despises false worship. The CCM industry is littered with “worship artists” who start out professing the name of Christ, only to later reject Him in favor of worldly acclaim. These artists—whether it be Hillsong, Elevation, Jars of Clay, Caedmon’s Call, Lecrae, or DC Talk—use Christianity to gain popularity, only to turn their backs on the God they once claimed to worship. This is nothing short of spiritual adultery.

Jesus warned that not everyone who calls Him ‘Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven—only those who do the will of the Father. Many will claim to have done mighty works in His name, but He will declare, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ The “worship” industry is full of such people, honoring God with their lips while their hearts are far from Him. They are more interested in record deals and fame than in true worship and obedience to the Lord.

These so-called artists whore themselves around and are quick to align themselves with whatever culture is willing to pay them for their music—promoting homosexuality, endorsing abortion, and supporting causes that God abhors. They twist Scripture to justify their actions while ignoring the eternal truth that true love rejoices with the truth, not wrongdoing.

But God is not fooled by outward displays of piety. He sees the heart and knows when worship is mere lip service. The mainstream worship industry is a prime example of this hypocrisy. They use the name of Christ to gain a following, but their hearts are set on the things of this world. They honor Him with their lips while their hearts are far from Him.

In Hosea, Israel is likened to an unfaithful wife, chasing after other lovers. Just as Israel turned to idols and forsook the Lord, so too has the contemporary worship scene turned to the idols of fame, fortune, and cultural relevance. They sacrifice their integrity on the altars of popularity and acceptance, committing spiritual adultery against God.

Romans 1 describes how God gives people over to their sinful desires when they reject His truth, leading to all kinds of depravity. They have exchanged the truth of God for a lie and have been given over to dishonorable passions. They not only engage in sinful behavior but also approve of others who do the same. This is a clear sign of God’s judgment upon them.

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Yet the CCM industry is a mere microcosm of the larger issue within the professing church today. It is a breeding ground for false worship, idolatry, and apostasy. God will not tolerate this forever. He will bring judgment upon those who claim His name but while blaspheming Him, attributing things to Him that He does not approve. Just as He judged Israel for their idolatry and unfaithfulness, He will judge those within the church who do the same.

Ezekiel describes how God views false worship and idolatry, showing the vile abominations committed by the house of Israel. God’s judgment is certain for those who engage in such practices. The contemporary worship industrial complex, and those churches who partner with them, with their blatant disregard for true biblical worship and their embrace of worldly values, is no different. God will not be mocked. His holiness demands that He act against those who profane His name.

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