How do you know a nation is under the judgment of God? Romans 1 tells us that God gives them over to a depraved mind, to sexual immorality, to injustice, and to do things that they ought not do. In other words, the surest sign of God’s judgment is rampant sexual immorality, especially that which is funded and promoted by the wicked government that should be upholding justice and defending righteousness against such pervasive evil.
Here, the FBI was captured marching in the West Hollywood pride parade.
The Celebrity Pastor Phenomenon is Selling Out the Gospel for 30 Pieces of Silver
Michael Jackson moonwalked his way into the hearts of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the globe, a glittering icon who could do no wrong in the eyes of his adoring fans. They cheered, screamed, and wept at the mere sight of him, entranced by the aura of...