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Lesbian “Pastor” Reinstated by United Methodist Church After Being Defrocked in 2004

by | May 24, 2024 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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In a stunning yet unsurprising display of moral and doctrinal capitulation, the United Methodist Church (UMC) has reinstated Beth Stroud, a lesbian and self-described “pastor” who was defrocked in 2004 for openly defying the denomination’s longstanding prohibition against homosexual clergy. Stroud, who served as an associate “pastor” at Philadelphia’s First United Methodist “Church” of Germantown, was removed from her position after she revealed her lesbian relationship to her congregation—at the time, a clear violation of the UMC’s Book of Discipline.

Now, nearly two decades later, the UMC has decided to reverse its stance, after it recently lifted its ban on homosexual clergy and same-sex marriages—a move that speaks volumes about the denomination’s surrender to cultural pressures.

In 2004, the UMC took a far more firm stand on the biblical teaching of sexuality by defrocking Stroud after she publicly declared her sexual relationship with another woman. This decision was a reflection of the denomination’s wider, global adherence to the clear teachings of Scripture on human sexuality. But over the last two decades, the UMC has not just drifted but jet-launched toward complete and total apostasy.

The church has not only reinstated Stroud but has also lifted its bans on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriages, abandoning any semblance of biblical fidelity, during its recent General Conference in Charlotte, NC. This reversal was a clear indication of the UMC’s descent into theological relativism and moral ambiguity.

Let’s be clear: Beth Stroud’s reinstatement is not a victory for justice or inclusion—it is a capitulation to the relentless pressures of a society increasingly hostile to biblical truth. The notion of a lesbian “pastor” is a contradiction in terms—an affront to the Creator and His will for human flourishing. The Bible sets forth stringent qualifications for pastoral leadership, qualifications that include moral integrity and adherence to God’s design for human relationships. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 delineate these qualifications, emphasizing that a pastor must be “above reproach, the husband of one wife,” not a woman in an unrepentant homosexual relationship.

The very idea of women serving as pastors is unbiblical, let alone a lesbian. 1 Timothy 2:12 is unambiguous: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” The pastoral office is reserved for men, as established by God’s order in creation and reaffirmed throughout the New Testament. The UMC’s decision to not only reinstate Stroud but also to embrace the notion of LGBTQ clergy is a double departure from Scriptural mandates.

In its rush to appease the ever-demanding gods of progressivism, the UMC has effectively declared that cultural relevance is more important than biblical obedience. This is not compassion—it is cowardice. It is a tragic betrayal of the Gospel, which calls all people to repentance and transformation through the power of Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 offers hope and redemption for those who turn from their sins, including sexual immorality. By normalizing and celebrating what God has declared sinful, the UMC is leading people draped in rainbow garb directly to the pits of Hell.

This is a reminder that when a denomination abandons the authority of Scripture, it inevitably succumbs to the impulses of cultural opinion. The UMC’s decision to embrace LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriages is a repudiation of its own heritage and a betrayal of the millions of Methodists worldwide who seek to live faithfully according to God’s Word.

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