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Karen Swallow Prior Joins Drag Queen, Pro-Homosexual Activists, and Rank Heretics for “Faith-Inspired” Justice Festival

by | May 15, 2024 | News

Karen Swallow Prior is a divisive figure within the evangelical community, especially the Southern Baptist Convention, as she has paraded leftist ideologies, various levels of feminism, and all manner of evil under the banner of “Christianity” during her tenure as a Southern Baptist professor.

A former professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a research fellow for the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) fellow, she has made headlines for nearly everything, including defending women who have abortions and rebuking Al Mohler for advocating accountability for women who commit them. Her so-called pro-life position is nothing more than a façade, as she aligns with those who distort the true meaning of the term.

Moreover, Prior’s involvement in the Tom Buck blackmail scandal at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary highlights her propensity for manipulation and deceit. Despite her claims of innocence, evidence pointed to her as the orchestrator behind the scandal, further eroding her credibility. Prior’s refusal to engage with the Bucks, labeling him a bully and claiming fear, shows her lack of integrity.

In essence, Karen Swallow Prior epitomizes the dangerous drift of the Evangelical Left—embracing a deficient and sub-biblical postmodern worldview to appease secular progressives. We’ve warned about Prior’s compromise on biblical truth for years as she repeatedly sacrifices them on the altar of political correctness and cultural acceptance.

But it should come as no surprise that today, Prior’s true colors are coming out plain as can be as she joins drag queens, pro-homosexual advocates, and far-left activists for a “faith-inspired social justice festival” called the Wild Goose Festival.

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At this event, Prior will be speaking about “Evangelicalism and Social Imaginaries.” Her topic: How does someone who has identified and embraced evangelical identity grapple with what the movement has become? 

Let’s cut to the chase. Karen Swallow Prior wants to redefine evangelicalism through subjective images and stories, rather than objective biblical truth. This tactic seeks to undermine Evangelicalism’s doctrinal foundation by portraying it as a fluid social construct. What she is doing is a blatant attempt to destabilize the unchanging truths of Scripture, replacing them with postmodern, unbiblical ideas.

It’s why she has no problem sharing the stage with drag queens like Flamy Grant and Marxist agitators like Jacqui Lewis, who will be joining the notorious social activist and Rauschenbusch heretic, Jim Wallis, to complain about the “white church.” Other heretics, like pro-homosexual activist David Gushee and Emergent Church heretic, Brian McLaren will also be present.

But we already knew, as far back as 2014, who Karen Swallow Prior was. And yet, Southern Baptist leaders have paraded her around like she is God’s greatest gift to the Church since Christ, placing her in prominent leadership roles, and putting her in authoritative teaching positions over future Southern Baptist pastors.

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