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UMC General Conference Leaders Warn Attendees To Avoid “Exclusively Male Language for God”

by | May 1, 2024 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, Video

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Yesterday, The Dissenter reported that homosexuals outside the United Methodist Church General Conference, which is being held in Charlotte, NC, danced and sang “hallelujah” as the denomination passed petitions to essentially excommunicate any non-affirming clergy.

In another clip that surfaced from inside the event, two of the conference leaders gave an opening speech on the rules of conduct during the event. One of them, Dawn Wiggins Hare, who is the “general secretary of the role of women in ministry” for the UMC, warned attendees against using “exclusively male language for God.”

“We are a diverse body with differing levels of comfort in social situations,” the duo proclaimed. “As we call during COVID -19 protocols, we learn the concept of social distancing. Personal space can cause others to feel concerns for safety or feel intimidated.”

“Honor each other’s personal space. Do not touch another person without permission, including hugging.”

“Language,” they continued, “be respectful of the choice of language that is used, including avoiding exclusively male language for God. Be conscious of inferred power dynamics. For example, if titles are used for one group of people, they should be used for everyone.”

“Violent language, threats, gestures, harassment, sexualized language, or innuendo is never allowed and will not be tolerated.”

United Methodist Church’s General Conference leaders warn attendees to avoid “exclusively male language for God”

– Jeff

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The most difficult thing to understand here isn’t these people can believe such tripe—that is hard enough in and of itself to believe. But it is far more difficult to understand the mercy of God, why such blasphemy is allowed to continue, and why He doesn’t just wipe mankind from the face of the Earth once and for all. This speaks volumes about God’s mercy and grace, yet, some continue to lift their middle finger to Him anyways.

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