I honestly don’t know if this woman suffers from delusions of grandeur, if she’s schizophrenic, or if she’s just doing all of this to get a rise out of people. But to watch this woman speak, and see the reaction of those who interview her act like they believe what she is saying is just astonishing. I’m kind of to the point where I think the entire charismatic “prophets” and “seers” movement is a mental illness—there is no way that people can actually believe this stuff without there being something wrong with them.
But here she is, our favorite pink-haired prophetess, Kat Kerr, is back with more outlandish claims. This is the same crazy lady who says that she saw visions of Christians being sent to a “mock hell” to be tormented by Satan for wearing jeans and make-up, who says that Santa Claus lives in Christmastown in Heaven, who says that Mickey Mouse is in Heaven, and who says that Michael Jackson is in Heaven where he sings and dances for God–is back at it again with the crazy, made-up nonsense.
Only this time, it’s about how we will never lose our scarf or cell phone in Heaven, because, like God—since we are made in His image—we will be able to command these lost things back to us the way God does.

SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
Once upon a time, Southern Baptists knew what a pastor was. Not that it was ever complicated. The Bible, clear as a bell, lays it out—a pastor is a man, called by God, qualified by Scripture, and entrusted with the shepherding of the flock. And for a while, the SBC...