You may also be familiar with Mike Cosper as the voice behind the popular podcast series, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, which was published in Russell Moore’s Christianity Today. But Cosper’s damage to the Evangelical Church is much deeper, and much older, than his podcast lambasting Mark Driscoll. Cosper, a former “music pastor” at a Louisville, KY church who is now the “director of podcasting” a Christianity Today is a functional Democrat (I don’t know what he’s registered as) and has been an avid promoter of leftist causes.
You may also be familiar with Cosper as the man who defended a public library holding a drag queen story hour for little kids while throwing out a Christian pastor who objected to it.

So it should shock no one that Mike Cosper, a prominent contributor to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as well as The Gospel Coalition (TGC), will be joining Preston Sprinkle and a gaggle of pro-homosexual advocates for a “queer Christian” conference.
Cosper, along with Max Lucado and several others, will be sharing the stage with a “transgender Christian” to promote “Christian” living in the coming years. In 2024, Preston Sprinkle, one of the founding board members of the “gay Christian” organization, Revoice, and CEO of Theology in the Raw, is holding a conference that features several apostates, including former Reformed pastor, Josh Harris, who renounced his faith a few years ago and was later seen marching in gay pride marches, Greg Coles, author of Single, Gay, Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity, and Kat LaPrarie, a man who wears women’s clothes and uses women’s pronouns and who says he is “passionate about people, the church and articulating the Gospel using her[sic] story that God has woven together.”
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Also, there is Evan Wickham, CCM star, Phil Wickham’s brother, who will be leading worship and talking about deconstruction and reconstruction. Also present at the conference is a Black Hebrew Israelite who goes by the name Street Hymns and Tim Whitaker, the founder of the “New Evangelicals” who spends his entire life promoting homosexuality in the Church. And possibly one of the most outrageous queers at this event is Art Pereira, a man who spoke during a Revoice conference about how he moved in with another dude that he was sexually attracted to and they began a marriage-like relationship together while claiming to be “celibate.” Here’s that video…really weird.
“Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?” —Amos 3:3