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Progressives Pose an Existential Threat to Christians, Being Civil is No Longer an Option

by | Mar 20, 2024 | Opinion, Politics, Social Justice, Social Unrest, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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We’ve repeatedly heard the clarion calls from the progressive Evangelical bridge-builders like David Platt and JD Greear who have tried to persuade civil disagreement between politically progressive and conservatives in the public square. The mantra oft-repeated has been to “unify around Christ” while disagreeing on politics.

While on the surface, this cause may have seemed noble, it is not an option that Christians can any longer take.

While progressivism and liberalism have always been opposed to godliness and a biblical worldview, recent events have exposed the Democrat party and ideological progressives as not only opposed to the Church but opposed to humanity altogether. In fact, the Democrat party poses an existential threat to the Church and to anyone who holds to a conservative, biblical worldview.

To clarify, I do not believe that the Church is actually in danger of being destroyed—the Scriptures are clear that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Bride of Christ (Matthew 16:17-19), so please don’t email me explaining this. That is not my point. My point, however, is that the Democrat party has the clear intention and motivation of destroying the Church and anyone whose worldview is incongruent with a secular, progressive worldview.

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The fact that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church does not necessarily mean that it will not inflict serious harm and wounds against her. It does not mean that there will not be real and tangible casualties. What it does mean is that God will always have His remnant and His remnant will always thrive despite the gates of Hell rising up against her.

And to be clear, the Democrat party in America—along with all of the socialist and Communist regimes around the world—are the current manifestation of the gates of Hell on Earth.

With the advent of Critical Race Theory, indoctrination into the new worldly religion of Hell is taking place in schools, public institutions, private institutions, and even churches. Formerly conservative Christian denominations—like the Southern Baptist Convention and the Presbyterian Church (PCA)—are crumbling under the pressures of this godless ideology perpetrated by the secular worldview of the Democrat party and its religious cohorts like Russell Moore and Tim Keller. Yet, repeatedly, they’re the ones calling on us to engage in a “civil” manner.

That can no longer be done. It is not an option.

It’s no longer just the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. These are serious issues and the Democrat party’s political agenda is certainly to strip us of our freedoms while indoctrinating godlessness into the masses.

But it’s more than just that. The Democrat party wants us dead—literally, they want us dead. We’ve seen it through their attempts at forced vaccine mandates—comply with them or die. We see it through their forced DEI programs. We see it through open borders schemes. And at every attempt and forcing us to toe their line, we face increasing penalties. You can lose your job or your home. You can even lose your right to shop for food, you die—you and your family. Or perhaps maybe just you can die, and if your children are young enough, the state can take them and give them to perverts like Pete Buttigieg to raise and indoctrinate. The thought of that should scare the living Hell out of any sane person, especially a Christian.

It’s not just these government mandates and forced programs either either. Critical race theory in our schools, institutions, and even churches is teaching a new level of hatred towards people unprecedented in modern history rivaled only by that of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime. It is the Democrat party’s goal—to gaslight conservatives with false accusations of “hate” and then to exterminate them under the guise of “progress.”

You think it’s bad today? Hand these tyrants the keys to your health by submitting to vaccine mandates and next, they’ll be mandating abortions in the name of “public health.” You won’t be able to hold a job unless you submit to their one-child policy. You won’t be able to hold a job unless you renounce your Christian faith because Christianity poses a threat to “public health.”

If you don’t see where this is going, you’re naive. You either don’t know history or you don’t know the Bible. I’m not calling on you to live in fear, but I am calling on you to fight. We, as Christians, are armed with the most powerful weapon ever known to mankind—the Word of God. We need to start using it. We must oppose Democrats in our churches claiming to be Christians, call on them to repent, and if they don’t, they must be purged from our ranks. The time to be civil has passed.

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