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Rosaria Butterfield Rebukes The Gospel Coalition for Supporting Preston Sprinkle’s Heretical Teachings

by | Feb 6, 2024 | heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s extensive relationships with mainstream Evangelical leaders James MerrittMatt Chandler, and even names like Beth Moore, that he has been able to popularize what was once denounced as forbidden fruit by Evangelicals.

Sprinkle’s ministry promotes a number of false teachings on sexuality. For example, his ministry promotes the notion that homosexuals can fulfill their homosexual desires in nonsexual ways by entering into same-sex covenant relationships that essentially mimic marriage arrangements but stop short of bodily penetration. Other false teachings that Sprinkle promotes or endorses on this subject are that one can live their life as a “transgender” person, so long as they don’t “act out” sexually with someone of the same biological sex. All weird things, to say the least—but this is the prevailing doctrine of Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and their allies.

Preston Sprinkle is hosting a webinar in January on “Christian Sexuality” on why we need more homosexuals and transgenders in church leadership. Now, before you jump to conclusions and try to argue that he’s simply trying to promote a biblical sexual ethic among people who “struggle” with this temptation, let’s stand back and pause for a moment and apply that logic to other situations. What if we promote pedophiles, or thieves, or the greedy, or people who can’t mortify any other sin into church leadership? Would we say we needed more drunkards in church leadership?

Well, Rosaria Butterfield recently responded to this, and rebuked The Gospel Coalition for promoting and platforming Preston Sprinkle and his heretical teachings over the years. In a recent podcast, Butterfield condemns those people for not having a backbone—and I completely identify with this after years of sitting under church leadership with no backbone.

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You know, when Preston Sprinkle’s Center for Gender Faith and Sexuality has to have programs like the last two are just, they’re just doozies, they’re just doozies, humanizing the transgender experience.

I think about that when I’m at the school board and I’m trying to get people to like not hurt their children, let’s humanize it. And but the most recent was how to increase the number of LGBTQ plus pastors and, you know, ministers we have in the church.

Like that’s both are out of Sprinkle’s heretical organization and, you know, why do we tolerate this? And why do we tolerate things like gospel coalition giving this guy good reviews? Yeah. Why do we do that?

Like, does anybody here have a backbone?

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