Following the release of a new Vatican document that allows the Roman Catholic priesthood to perform “blessings” on same-sex couples, the religious homosexual mafia has been coming out of the woodwork to demonstrate a depravity that is beyond human measure. While the mainline Protestant denominations along with the Church of England have been practicing collective sexual immorality for decades, the fact that the Roman Catholic Church has joined the fray is actually a bit surprising.
Last week, we reported that a Roman Catholic church, one which is already known for its long-standing advocacy for sodomy, was among the first to publicly demonstrate their rebellion by “blessing” a same-sex union. But another church in Lexington, KY, has also demonstrated its loyalty to filth by publishing a picture of its priest in a rainbow stole blessing two lesbians who practice porneía.
This is at St. Paul’s Historic Catholic Church in Lexington, KY, where this took place. The question arises—Why do people who persistently engage in a lifestyle that is rebelliously at odds with Christian teachings have such a strong inclination to associate with the Church, even if it’s the Roman Catholic whore?
I submit to you that they already know that what they do is incompatible with Christianity, but they do so not because they want to identify with Christ, but rather because they want Christ to identify with them. They want to change the culture of the Church to reflect their own lusts so that they can deaden the relentless cry of their consciences that constantly nags them for their sin. This is what Romans 1:18 calls “suppressing the truth.” And they have infiltrated the churches to do so.