Stanley has always been a controversial figure, but it wasn’t until the last two years that he has been in the headlines quite a bit over the last year or so over his capitulation to the LGBTQ movement and his acceptance of it. Stanley’s theology is aberrant and he has often made comments that do not align with biblical orthodox Christianity. But whether it’s his open mockery of expository preaching, his trashing of biblical authority, or his promotion of homosexuality in the Church, it’s clear that Andy Stanley’s dangerous views stem from one thing—a lack of understanding of the gospel.
Stanley made this abundantly clear in a recent sermon. In the video clip below, Stanley presents a false view of the gospel: that Jesus “became one of us” not to stand in our place as a propitiation for our sins or to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. But rather to show us how to create a better world and a better culture where everyone feels like image bearers.
Stanley then goes on to complain that the reason people don’t come to church isn’t because they don’t believe in God, it’s because they don’t believe that we believe that false gospel he just presented.