Jonathan Lis, a British journalist known for his insane commentary on “transgenderism” and other issues surrounding sexual immorality, recently made a startling assertion regarding children and gender transition. He argues that even six-year-olds should have the autonomy to make gender transition decisions without parental input.
Lis’s argument isn’t just some simple departure from traditional and conservative values to embrace a benign progressive vantage point. Rather he and his ilk have been wholly seduced into the realm of moral recklessness to satisfy their own sexual fetishes.
Besides the fact that “transgenderism” in and of itself is nothing but sexual fantasy, asserting that children of such a young age are capable of making life-altering decisions their bodies and sexuality is not just absurd, it’s a dangerous overstep into the territory of the irrational and the sexually depraved. It strips away the protective guidance that parents are naturally positioned to provide, replacing it with an ideology that is detached from the realities of child psychology and the sanctity of family.
Such radical views should not only be dismissed but also rigorously opposed, as they threaten to destabilize the foundational principles of family and parental responsibility. While progressivism in and of itself is an evil ideology, this goes beyond even that—it’s a descent into chaos, where the lines of moral decency and common sense are alarmingly blurred.
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