Mike Bickle, founder and CEO of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) has been accused of serious allegations of clergy sexual abuse spanning several decades. Bickle, a prominent figure in the charismatic movement, is known for his role in the Kansas City Prophets, a group known for their controversial prophetic ministry in the 1980s and 90s.
Bickle’s affiliations with influential Christian leaders such as former Southern Baptist Convention president, Ronnie Floyd, as well as Reformed-turned-faith-healer, Francis Chan, and the ever-evolving John Piper, have notably been characterized by a shared allure towards charismaticism and other aberrant expressions of Christianity. Nonetheless, Bickle’s ministry has not escaped the scrutinizing eyes of vigilant critics, especially those pesky discernment blogs like The Dissenter, which have tirelessly dissected and questioned his aberrant theology and strange practices over the years which has drawn the ire of mainstream Evangelicals around the nation.
Ronnie Floyd, former Southern Baptist president, notably partnered with Bickle in 2015, aiming to cross denominational lines and unite with other professing Christians in a quest for spiritual revival. Additionally, John Piper has given glowing accolades to Bickle, according to Francis Chan, endorsing his aberrant movement and praising him as a great leader.
Meanwhile, Francis Chan himself has been drawn closer to Bickle over the years, to the extent of comparing Bickle to Jesus in a manner akin to Peter’s relationship with Christ—an assertion that has raised many eyebrows. Chan has been Bickle’s number one promotor for the last several years.
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Seriously, people. Discernment!! While these religious figureheads praised Bickle, discernment blogs have consistently warned about Bickle’s teachings and practices and questioned the credibility granted to him by other people. The dismissal of such discernment blogs, and the dismissal of discernment in general, highlights a lack of critical engagement that has clearly led to overlooking red flags in Bickle’s conduct and teachings.
The recent allegations against Bickle are grave. The accusations have been deemed credible by the other elders of the church, based on the corroborating testimony of several victims, painting a picture of manipulation and intimidation. This revelation challenges the Christian community to exercise discernment, scrutinizing the actions and teachings of leaders, especially when they appear to stray from biblical standards.

The scenario surrounding Bickle exemplifies the adage, “If he looks like a wolf, and acts like a wolf, and howls like a wolf…he’s a wolf.” This scenario, which seems to repeat itself in charismatic circles time and time again, demonstrates the importance of vigilance and discernment in identifying and addressing false teachings. False teachings and bad conduct go hand-in-hand.