The Unitarian Universalist Congregations (UUC) is the epitome of religious vagueness. A place where any belief is welcome, except, of course, the notion that absolute truth exists and that it can only be found in the one, true God’s revelation to us. They’ll claim it’s about “spiritual freedom,” but it’s really a religious free-for-all—and it’s always at the expense of biblical Christianity. In their quest for “radical inclusivity,” they’ve abandoned moral clarity for a hodgepodge of conflicting beliefs. It’s not a pillar of spiritual truth, it’s a perverse and licentious social club pretending to be a church.
One of these congregations recently published their fall decorations on their Facebook page. While some churches are decorating with autumn leaves, pumpkins, and fall decor, First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches is, well, decking out their altar in “drag pumpkins.” Because nothing says seasonal demon-worship better than drag queens, right? Actually, right, yes. Like Romans 1 says, those given over to Satan tend to demonstrate it with aberrant, immoral sexual behavior.
Weird, and gross. And the worst part about it is looking through their Facebook page and seeing all the children involved in this stuff.