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God Revealed Himself Through “Prophets Like Muhammed,” Says Popular “Christian” Street Preacher

by | Oct 20, 2023 | heresy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

David Lynn is a highly popular Canadian evangelist known for his public preaching and evangelism, often conducted on the streets, campuses, and other public areas. His approach to sharing the Christian faith includes open-air preaching, one-on-one conversations, and debates.

He has gained attention, both positive and negative, for his confrontational style of evangelism. Lynn has faced legal challenges and arrests due to his public confrontations, being accused of “hate speech.”

Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries claims that it aims to reach people with the message of the Gospel, holding to the belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The ministry also produces online content, including videos of their evangelistic efforts. But, for whatever reason, Lynn is willing to compromise God’s word all in the name of “winsomeness.”

In a recent video clip posted to his own YouTube channel, Lynn is talking to two Muslim women about who Jesus is and the attributes of God. During his conversation, he explains to them that God has revealed Himself over time through prophets. Not a controversial statement if he stopped right there, because this is clearly what the Bible teaches. But he doesn’t stop there, he tells these Muslim women that God has revealed Himself to us through “prophets like Muhammed and Dawud and Musa.”

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While it’s understandable, though inadvisable, that he could use the names “Dawud” and “Musa,”—the Islamic names for David and Moses—to make his point, to suggest that Muhammed was a prophet by which God revealed Himself to humanity is nothing short of blasphemy. This is no different than saying that God revealed Himself through Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White, or David Koresh. These were not prophets of God but false prophets—if anything prophets of Ba’al.

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