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Former Worship Music Star Explains Why He Wore a Dress to the Dove Awards

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Earlier this week, we reported that former Contemporary Christian Worship celebrity, Derek Webb, who defected from the faith a few years ago and came out in full support of sodomy, decided to gather with two other sexual deviants and crash the Dove Awards wearing drag.

Derek Webb, once a star in the highly popular 90’s Christian band Caedmon’s Call, has become yet another casualty of the contemporary Christian music industry. It’s an open secret—the vast majority of these so-called “Christian” rock stars use their “Christian” platform merely as a stepping stone to the secular stage. From Hillsong to Lauren Daigle to Lecrae—what do they have in common? They exploit the Christian label for a convenient entry into the broader, more lucrative music scene. Why? Because they’re fully aware that the bar is set significantly lower in the Christian worship circuit, making it the perfect gateway for wider industry exposure.

But for Derek Webb, he didn’t make it. And he’s mad. So he’s taking it out on the Christian music industry that he once reveled in. But to make matters worse, he’s doing it all in the name of intersectionality, claiming that because he’s a straight, white, male, he has some kind of “privilege” in these “Christian spaces,” so he wants to be an ally to queers by dressing like them, and forsaking his privilege. In reality, he’s just a lost dude wearing a dress who hates God, hates the Church, and hates God’s standard of morality, and who needs to repent of his idolatry, blasphemy, and rebellion against His creator.

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