It seriously seems like everywhere you see a congregation of false prophets, there you will find Ed Stetzer wrapped up right in the middle of it. That should tell you something about Stetzer.
Ed Stetzer is a former LifeWay executive who, during his reign, experienced a debacle involving a book about visiting Heaven that the young author admitted was not true. Despite his efforts at trying to get LifeWay, namely Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer to remove the books, his efforts proved futile until the story made national news.
Since then, LifeWay stores has peddled heretical materials for cash from a broad range of false teachers from T.D. Jakes, a modalist to Joel Osteen, the pop king of the prosperity gospel. This is all thanks to these two men.
After Stetzer left LifeWay, he held the Billy Graham Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College, served as Dean of the School of Mission, Ministry, and Leadership at Wheaton College, and served as Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center. Yet, despite his continual ties with Southern Baptists, Stetzer has no problem—and has never had any problem—joining rank heretics for unity, prayer, and worship.
Now, Stetzer has once again found himself caught up in a mix of charismatic false prophets, social justice activists, and feminists, at Mariner’s Church, a multi-campus megachurch based out of California.
Christine Caine is one of the many, many female “teaching pastors” at this church which is led by senior pastor, Eric Geiger. Caine is a traveling social justice activist and Word of Faith preacher who is very close to other false teachers including Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and Priscilla Shirer, and she is the founder of Propel Women, an organization designed to platform rebellious lady-preachers at preaching conferences.
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Caine became popular as a lady-preacher affiliated with Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. Besides the fact that Christine Caine rebels against God by preaching to men and calling herself a pastor, she also preaches a false gospel–the Prosperity Gospel. The Prosperity Gospel–also known as “Health and Wealth Gospel,” “Name it and Claim it,” and “Word of Faith”–is a perversion of the biblical gospel that teaches that the primary purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection is to create material gain for those who have enough “faith.”
Christine Caine also teaches people to engage in New Age practices like impartation by laying on hands. This is a dangerous, occult practice that is condemned in Scripture.

But making that even worse, she practices this impartation from a well-known heretic, Joyce Meyer, who prostitutes a false gospel for filthy lucre daily. This makes Caine a recipient of Meyer’s escort services and a partaker in her wickedness on top of it. She has also been known to plagiarize Pagans to write “Christian” books and she has led countless people astray spiritually while cloaking her false gospel in a veneer of public charity and activism while fighting for social justice causes.
But this is clearly who Ed Stetzer wants to align himself with, and Stetzer believes we should listen to him when it comes to vaccines and medical advice and that anyone who was cautious about these things were “conspiracy theorists” who lacked discernment.
Stetzer lectured Christians in a piece at Christianity Today about being “gullible” and “buying into” conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and practically told us that we’re all too stupid to really see what’s going on, so just let the experts — him — tell us what’s really going on.
He writes,
First, we need to speak up and speak out to others— particularly those fooled yet again— and lovingly say, “You need to go to trusted sources.” Your social media news feed is not a trusted source. But you can find them if you are willing to look. That’s why we created, to provide credible information for churches.