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Man Who Co-pastors Megachurch With Wife Joins the Republican Race for President

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Feminism, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US | 0 comments

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If you can’t trust a man to pastor his church according to the edicts of Scripture, how can you trust him to run the country if elected president? The answer? You can’t. That’s why I would suggest not voting for Ryan Binkley, co-pastor of the non-denominational Create Church in Richardson, Texas.

To some, particularly the RINO-with-no-convictions camp, the Texas pastor-turned-presidential-candidate, may seem like a breath of fresh air. After all, he does speak passionately about the economy, healthcare reform, immigration issues, and education. In his interview with The Christian Post, Binkley promises grand ideas like a “next-generation action plan,” and an “absolute transformation of healthcare.” He talks about bridging the gap between the poor and the middle class and educating children with volunteers in community centers.

Yet, a closer examination reveals that this campaign might be less about serving the American people and more about personal ambition.

What does a candidate’s personal ambition mean for us? In reality, it’s a concern because it’s clear that Binkley is willing to bend rules to suit his needs. As a pastor, he is expected to uphold and follow the Scriptures. However, his decision to co-pastor his church with his wife goes against the clearly outlined biblical requirements of pastoral authority. This should make us question if he will display the same disregard for other rules and regulations, perhaps even those that hold our nation together.

Binkley confidently states, “It’s time to grow our party, it’s time for us to come out of the division we’re in.” Yet, it’s hard to trust his commitment to unity when he so blatantly divides the Church by flouting sound biblical doctrine in order to suit the passions of the flesh. If he can’t be trusted to lead his congregation with integrity, how can we expect him to lead a nation?

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Furthermore, Binkley’s disregard for this clear, unambiguous biblical doctrine raises questions about his willingness to prioritize his own interests over those of the public. Is he ready to push aside the rules of his faith to boost his own profile? Will he also put aside the needs of the people for his ambition? Is he willing to sacrifice what’s good and right in favor of superficial unity in this nation just like he does in his church?

In the end, we have to ask ourselves: Is this the kind of leader we want? Do we want someone who uses a national platform for self-promotion and willingly ignores foundational principles and truth? The answer should be a resounding no. America doesn’t need another self-promoting pastor who rejects the principles they claim to uphold and refuses to prioritize the people they are supposed to serve. Ryan Binkley’s campaign is a glaring reminder that we must look beyond the rhetoric to the true intentions and actions of those who seek to lead.

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