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Alice in Trans-Land: Trans Agenda Meets Academia in ‘Biological Women’ Controversy

by | May 22, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video | 0 comments

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Just as Alice plunged into the rabbit hole and found herself navigating the dizzying absurdity of Wonderland, we too seem to be hurtling down a similar abyss, a world unmoored from objective reality. This is no child’s story, but the sobering reality of our modern American society, where principles of truth and reality, once held inviolable, are now eclipsed by a storm of subjective make-believe.

Case in point: A seemingly bright, inquisitive student receives a failing grade, not due to any academic shortcomings, but because she dared to mention the term ‘biological women’ in a project proposal about “transgender women” in sports. An issue that deserves rational discourse, grounded in objective scientific truth, and guided by moral clarity, has instead become a breeding ground for intellectual intimidation.

This begs the question: How did our institutions of higher learning, once a stalwart of free speech, truth, and knowledge, become strongholds of censorship, where reality is a taboo and free inquiry a crime? We have strayed far, beloved, from the wisdom of our Creator, the author of all truth, and the compass of our lives.

The fear of the Lord, as the Bible attests, is the beginning of wisdom. Yet, our society has completely abandoned and forgotten this fundamental truth. Instead of seeking wisdom from God, the author of objective reality, we are bartering it for the hollow ideals of worldly acceptance. This is our Babel moment—a relentless pursuit of human wisdom and human understanding, a tower built on shifting sands, ready to crumble at the slightest gust of wind.

To quote the Scriptures, “Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20). The current discourse on transsexuals in women’s sports is but one glaring example of this foolish wisdom.

The complexities of human identity and competition in sports cannot be navigated by suppressing the truth about biological distinctions between males and females. These distinctions are not human constructs, but divine designs, each beautifully and wonderfully made, each fulfilling its unique role in God’s good purpose for life.

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We cannot succumb to the foolishness of the world, but we must resist the pull of this cultural tide, this societal demand to embrace subjective reality over God’s objective truth. This ideological conformity seeks to intimidate us into silence.

Yet our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against a spiritual fog that has descended upon our society, blurring our vision, and leading us away from God’s light. It is time for us to wake up, to shake off this slumber, and to reclaim our commitment to God’s truth, and not just in our academic institutions, but more importantly in our churches and our homes.

Much like the Ninevites who repented and turned from their sinful ways when confronted with the truth, we too must confront the uncomfortable realities we face today. We must counter the narratives that deny God’s design and bring into the light the truth of the gospel that our world so desperately needs to hear.

Our journey out of this rabbit hole won’t be easy—it demands courage, conviction, and most importantly, a steadfast reliance on God’s wisdom. Yet, as daunting as this journey might be, we take solace in the knowledge that we do not walk alone. We tread this path guided by our Creator, the author of truth and knowledge, who grants wisdom generously to those who seek Him.

Remember, brothers and sisters, we are not just contenders in a culture war, but ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. As we rise to this challenge, put on the armor of faith, girded by truth, and stand fast in our commitment to defending the truth while we “destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

We are called to be salt and light in this world, to infuse our society with God’s wisdom and illuminate the path of truth for those lost in the labyrinth of human rebellion—our battle is not merely against errant ideologies; it is a fight for the souls of those entangled in this web of deceit.

In this endeavor, let us anchor ourselves in the promise of Scripture, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5). With hearts open to divine wisdom and minds committed to the pursuit of truth, we can brave the storm, secure in the knowledge that our God is with us.

Finally, let us stand fast, not swayed by the changing tides of societal narratives, but rooted firmly in God’s unchanging truth. Let us lift our voices, not in the clamor of human wisdom, but in the confident proclamation of the gospel, and only by embracing this reality, we will find the clarity to navigate the complexities of our times.

Alice emerged from her journey through Wonderland with a newfound appreciation for reality. May our journey through this present Wonderland lead us back to a deeper understanding of God’s world, a reality grounded in His wisdom, upheld by His truth, and illuminated by His love.

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation” (Psalm 25:5).

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