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Did The “Genuine Outpouring of the Holy Spirit” at Asbury Bring Lasting Changes as Promised?

by | Apr 20, 2023 | News, Opinion, Religion, The Church | 0 comments

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You may recall the Asbury Revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, back in February 2023, which generated quite a buzz. People eagerly shared news of the event through social media and Christian online publications, hoping that it signaled a genuine spiritual awakening. But did this revival really deliver on its promises?

Today, this so-called “genuine move of the Holy Spirit” has pretty much completely disappeared from the news cycle and we have heard virtually nothing more about it from those who participated in it. So let’s examine the aftermath of the event more closely to determine whether it was a true outpouring of the Holy Spirit or simply an ephemeral surge of emotionalism.

According to all the previous hype, hundreds of students reported feeling so touched by a regular chapel service that they couldn’t bring themselves to leave Hughes Auditorium where the “revival” was said to be sparked. Many lingered, praying and worshiping, and for some, they believed that a genuine spiritual renewal was underway. Proponents of the Asbury Revival, such as Southern Baptist charismatic revivalist Malachi O’Brien, insisted that it was a direct manifestation of the Holy Spirit, destined to bring lasting transformation for all participants. They pointed to numerous testimonies from students who claimed to have experienced a profound connection with God during the revival.

However, those of us with a modicum of biblical discernment could see from the outset that this event was more of an emotionally charged, orchestrated experience than a genuine spiritual movement.

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As time went on, the critics’ concerns about the authenticity of the Asbury Revival proved to be well-founded. They noted that the event failed to bring about any significant changes in the church or society as a whole. They also expressed concerns that the revival placed a greater emphasis on emotionalism than on adhering to biblical truth. Reports circulated of openly homosexual people leading worship and people frequently taking the stage to preach or share testimonies, often misquoting and twisting Scripture and promoting bad, even terrible theology. Regrettably, the absence of mature leadership to offer correction or guidance resulted in a disordered and chaotic atmosphere.

Why didn’t the Asbury Revival fulfill the expectations of a genuine revival? Upon reflection, we can identify several key factors that contributed to its shortcomings. Most importantly, the event was disorderly, which is uncharacteristic of a movement produced by God, who turns chaos into order, and it placed a higher value on emotional experiences than on biblical teachings. This approach neglected the indispensable foundation of Scripture and biblical truth that must underpin an authentic revival. As Jesus himself said in John 17:17, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” A true revival should always lead to a renewed focus on God’s Word and the application of biblical teachings in our lives.

Further, the leaders of the Asbury Revival were young and spiritually immature, lacking the biblical knowledge and divine calling needed to direct such a movement. Scripture reminds us of the importance of mature, experienced leaders in the church. In Titus 1:7-9, Paul writes, “For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach… He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” The leaders at the Asbury Revival fell short of this standard, and their inexperience hindered the event from reaching its full potential as a genuine spiritual awakening.

As many discerning observers anticipated, the Asbury Revival failed to bring about repentance or lasting changes in people’s lives. A true revival should inspire believers to turn from their sins and commit themselves more deeply to Christ and His teachings. As Acts 3:19 states, “Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.” However, the Asbury Revival did not foster this level of spiritual transformation, which is an essential element of any genuine revival.

The Asbury Revival serves as a reminder for all of us not to blindly follow every so-called “revival” or “movement of the Holy Spirit” that captures our attention. Instead, we must diligently scrutinize any spiritual movement to ensure it is grounded in biblical truth and guided by godly leaders. By doing so, we can be confident that we are witnessing a genuine work of the Holy Spirit rather than a deceptive movement designed to steer people away from truth.

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