As believers, we should take special care in avoiding self-righteous fits of anger that arise out of our own displeasures in life. Yet, there are times when righteous indignation is appropriate, and to not express such anger, that aligns with God’s will, could actually be an insult to our sanctification.
This is one of those times.
Watch as this sick and disgusting pervert with an overgrown beard and a woman’s dress reads a story about drag queens to children while encouraging the children to get up and demonstrate. At least three serious questions arise from this. Why is this legal? What on earth are parents doing handing their children over to these sex clowns? And why in the world are these perverts so hell-bent on accessing children?

Reasons Why You Should Not Observe Lent
Every year, like clockwork, Ash Wednesday rolls around and kicks off the Roman Catholic tradition of Lent—a six-week-long spectacle of public piety where everyone puts on their best "mourning over sin" performance. And, of course, it’s not just the Catholics anymore....