Preston Sprinkle is the founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender, a ministry dedicated to advocating and promoting “Side B” “gay Christianity.” Similar to Revoice, of which he is also an original advisory board member, Sprinkles’ ministry promotes the aberrant belief that one can continue living as an open homosexual so long as they don’t engage in homosexual sex.
Yesterday, we published a video on Twitter demonstrating the extent to which Preston Sprinkle will go to affirm the open homosexuality of Side B. Here is that clip:
In another promo video from Sprinkles’ ministry, this same guy, Matthew Liu, is exploited to promote the idea that God doesn’t change the sexuality of people when he saves them. In the clip, the guy says that God told his parents that he wasn’t going to change their sexuality.
Despite all of this, several prominent Southern Baptist leaders continue to endorse Preston Sprinkles’ ministry including Southern Baptist pastor, Matt Chandler, who says “Preston does the best job I have found explaining the implications and applications of the Scriptures on these issues.” Yesterday, we reported that Chandler continues to partner in ministry with Sprinkle and will be joining him for a conference later this month.
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But another prominent and vocal leader in the ever-evolving progressive Southern Baptist Convention is an English professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where Danny Akin is president. Of Sprinkles’ ministry, SEBTS professor, Karen Swallow Prior, says:
“God’s word and his truths never change, but cultures do. Living today in a culture that continually challenges historic church teachings on marriage and human sexuality, we need resources, teaching, and counsel that speak the truth in love for these times. This is what you’ll find at the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender.”

Karen Swallow Prior was formerly a research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission under Russell Moore and continues to be a promoted speaker and author within Southern Baptist circles. This isn’t new, she’s been promoting and endorsing these aberrant sexuality “ministries” for over a decade. Not a single male leader of the Southern Baptist Convention has ever offered her any correction or rebuke for holding aberrant views and endorsements and this is exemplary of the direction the denomination is continuing to go.