A school district in King County, Washington is using a perverse sexual curriculum for its middle school health classes. Using the FLASH sexual curriculum, middle school students are being asked how gay people have sex.
Yes, you read that right. According to copies of student worksheets, students are being asked a multitude of perverse and inappropriate questions about sexual activity.
Here are some of the worksheets we came across online:

The FLASH middle school curriculum, which is provided by the King County, WA Health Department, states that “all lessons are based on the most current research to prevent pregnancy, STDs and sexual violence.” Below is a copy of the letter that parents are supposed to receive upon beginning the program in King County middle schools:

The letter assures parents that asking their 11-year-olds how gay people have sex is “medically accurate” and “age appropriate” and promises to responsibly teach them about sexual orientation, gender identity, condoms, and abortions.
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