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A Southern Baptist Seminary Now Tries to Start Its Own Version of the Asbury Revival

by | Feb 20, 2023 | News, Religion, The Church | 0 comments

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Just in time for Francis Chan’s and Rick Warren’s pre-planned “spontaneous revival” on February 23, a Southern Baptist seminary now desperately tries to join the hoopla along with several other schools around the nation.

We reported last week that the Asbury “revival”—which has been promoted as a “spontaneous” movement of the Holy Spirit led by students—is actually an event that Francis Chan planned ahead of time. On February 1, Chan published a video on YouTube calling for colleges to join him and rick Warren at Asbury University for a “revival” which he will be live-streaming on February 23. Eight Days after Chan published his pre-planned revival-at-Asbury promo, Asbury broke out into a “spontaneous” revival.

You can read about that at this link.

Now, a Southern Baptist seminary is desperately trying to get in on the movement and they are calling on people to pray for them as they “come together and are pleading that God spiritually revives our campus.” In the pic below, you can see a handful of students getting together at Southwestern Seminary and holding their arms up, posing for a photoshoot, to try to get more people involved.

Interestingly, Southwestern Seminary is a Southern Baptist seminary where Rick Warren is highly esteemed. In fact, he was so highly esteemed at one point that they installed a stained glass image of him in the campus chapel.

Stained Glass image of Rick Warren at Southwestern Seminary

The stained glass image of Rick Warren was removed by a hostile seminary president, Adam Greenway, when he took office. However, Greenway was ultimately removed from his post at Southwestern for mismanagement.

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