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Five Reasons Christians Don’t Share Their Faith

by | Feb 14, 2023 | Evangelism, Opinion, Religion | 0 comments

by Jeff Rose, Jeremiah Cry Ministries

“We must school and train ourselves to deal personally with the unconverted. We must not excuse ourselves, but force ourselves to the irksome task until it becomes easy.”
C.H. Spurgeon


It is statistically proven that the number one reason that many Christians do not share their faith is due to unbelief. We do not actually believe that the Gospel is the power unto salvation. Otherwise, we would be telling everyone, instead of becoming pragmatic. Pragmatism is the belief that the end results justify the means. Whichever method works best should be used, regardless of truth, we should do it, because it will bring about the most results. The question is, do we trust God to bring about the results, or do we conjure up something that we feel might be more appealing to the world because we are afraid to offend them with the truth?   We should never think that we can add anything to the Gospel to make it more acceptable to others, but rather preach the truth, and honor God.


As Spurgeon said in the quote above “we must school and train ourselves to deal personally with the unconverted.”  Sharing our faith biblically is a discipline. Spurgeon said, “we must force ourselves to the irksome task until it becomes easy.” We are to be skilled saints, not sloppy saints when it comes to our witness outdoors. The Gospel is a simple message, but we must always be ready to give an answer to every man that asked you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” Training doesn’t always have to do with knowing good theology and having the right answer. But we must train ourselves as a vessel fit for the Master’s use. We must have a good attitude, and be respectful and gentle when dealing with others. We may be able to say all the right things but behave in a way that brings reproach upon our witness, and upon our Lord. 


Have you ever wondered why churches only have a few people that are interested in going out and evangelizing? 

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I often wonder why more people aren’t willing to go. It’s dreadful to many to think that they will have to talk to strangers about their faith. I get that, it can be daunting. I remember years ago, I was a gym owner, and my gym was directly located under the Mormon temple in Mesa Arizona. The majority of my clients were Mormons. They would witness to me constantly. I remember saying to myself, “I’m tired of being afraid  to talk about my faith to others.” And I made it a point to learn how to talk to others and share the Gospel. It was a turning point in my life. I got fed up with feeling like a coward, and decided I was going to open my mouth for the Lord. and I did. People are certainly dying by the droves. I knew many were dying without Jesus. What could be more frightening, ignoring them because I’m scared, or their eternal destiny in hell!?  How will they hear without a preacher? Answer: They won’t. Let’s get busy!


One of the reasons many turn down evangelism is because they are worldly. There’s no motivation when you are filled with the things of the world. The world will suck the life right out of you. The world steals your affections, and its attractions are too much to overcome. Instead of studying the Word of God, and spending time in prayer, we often find ourselves on our phones, watching TV, or caught up in some pleasure that robs us of our main purpose, which is winning souls for Jesus Christ.  Sharing our faith can be the most exciting thing in the world! Spurgeon says it best when he stated  “To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in the world. And with every soul you bring to Jesus Christ, you seem to get a new heaven here upon earth.”

False Conversion

Let’s face it, there are many people who call themselves Christian, but are the furthest thing from it. One of the reasons why many will never tell another person about the Gospel is because they themselves need the Gospel! They are a false convert. They have no desire for the things of God. Their lives are exactly like the world. They spend their time in fruitless deeds of darkness and neglect the original reason that they were created. This is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, If we find ourselves dead to the things of God, we may want to repent and believe the Gospel.     

These 5 points were not intended to cast shame on anyone. We are all in different seasons of our life. But wherever you are, begin today to ask the Lord, saying, “Here I am Lord.. send me.”

2 Timothy 4:2:  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

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