Rick Warren is a widely-known figure within Evangelicalism and has gained significant influence over the years through his “Purpose Driven” series of books and teachings. However, his theology is deeply flawed and promotes a false gospel that is devoid of biblical substance. In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Warren teaches that salvation can be obtained simply by repeating certain prayers, with no mention of repentance or genuine faith. This false gospel has had a significant impact on many churches, leading to the rise of heretical movements that are built on this flawed foundation.
Rick Warren’s support for the pope is not only a blatant disregard for clear biblical teaching, but it is also a betrayal of the Christian faith. The Bible clearly states that the pope is a deceiver and enemy of God, yet Warren has chosen to ignore this and instead show support for him. This was demonstrated during a conference at the Vatican, where Warren attended alongside Southern Baptist Ethics leader, Russell Moore, and signed a statement affirming the pope as “Holy Father.”
Not only is Warren’s support for the pope a violation of biblical teaching, but it is also a betrayal of the trust of his followers. As a leader within Evangelicalism, Warren has a responsibility to uphold and teach the truth of the Bible. By choosing to support the pope and ignoring the clear teachings of the Bible, Warren is failing in this responsibility and leading his followers astray.
Furthermore, Warren has recently ordained women as pastors at his church, which goes against biblical teaching and the official statement of faith of the Southern Baptist Convention. In trying to justify this decision, Warren has twisted and distorted the Scriptures, comparing those who hold to biblical doctrine on men and women’s roles in the Church to Pharisees.
It is clear that Rick Warren’s teachings and actions are deeply flawed and should be avoided at all costs. He should be labeled as a false teacher and his heresies, watered-down gospel, and ecumenical alliances should be exposed for the destruction they bring to those who engage in them. Strong, confident language should be used to make it clear that Warren’s teachings are not in line with biblical truth and should not be followed. For more information and links, see our False Teacher of the Day series on Rick Warren.
Despite having access to a vast library filled with historic Christian works, including those from solid Reformed theologians, Rick Warren’s theology remains deeply flawed. In fact, Warren recently released a video boasting about the size of his library, which is apparently larger than most people’s homes. This raises questions about why Warren’s theology is so poor despite having access to such a wealth of knowledge and resources. It is concerning that someone with such a vast collection of books, including those from respected Christian scholars, could still hold such terrible theology. This highlights the need for careful examination and discernment when it comes to evaluating the teachings of Christian leaders.
Worst of all, he compares his job of pastoring his flock and taking care of the needs of his sheep to “shoveling poop.” It is unfortunate that Rick Warren’s flawed theology has attracted a significant following, enabling him to amass wealth and resources, including the ability to purchase and maintain an extravagant library.