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Why Abortion is Destructive to Society

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Abortion, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US | 0 comments

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Abortion is a highly controversial issue that has been at the center of debates and discussions for decades. While some people, primarily, non-Christians, view it as a “necessary medical procedure” that allows women to “make choices about their own reproductive health,” Christians who understand the nature of God know it to be destructive to society.

There are several reasons why abortion can be destructive to society. One of the main reasons is that it ends the life of an unborn child. This is a moral issue that is deeply rooted in God’s revelation to man—that God creates life, forms us in His image, and life begins at conception. Life is sacred and every human being, regardless of age or stage of development, has a God-given right to life and abortion is a violation of that fundamental right.

Another reason why abortion is destructive to society is that it can have negative physical and emotional effects on the mother who kills her child. Abortion often causes physical complications such as infection, bleeding, and scarring, but it ultimately leads to emotional and spiritual distress, including depression, anxiety, and guilt. These consequences impact not only the mother who has the abortion but also her family and loved ones. However, the guilt felt by a mother who has aborted her child can actually be an act of mercy by a loving and forgiving God who is using her distress to convict her and draw her to Him.

Additionally, abortion is destructive to society because it undermines the value of human life. Life, which God created out of His own goodness to glorify Him, is precious to Him. Most importantly, God said that He created human life in His image to reflect who He is. In a society that values life and respects the rights of every individual, the decision to end the life of an unborn child sends a message that some lives are less valuable than others. This leads to a culture of disrespect and disregard for human life—a culture of death—which can have far-reaching consequences.

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And besides the obvious Christian aspects that ending a human life is immoral in any circumstance, abortion is destructive to society because it creates a culture of irresponsibility. Many people view abortion as a way to avoid the consequences of unprotected sex or unplanned pregnancies. This leads to a lack of accountability and responsibility, as individuals are not encouraged to take responsibility for their actions this has negative effects on both individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, abortion is a highly controversial issue that is desperately and dangerously destructive to society and to the soul. It ends the life of an unborn child, is a direct attack on the Image of God, can cause physical and emotional harm to the woman who undergoes the procedure, undermines the value of human life, and encourages a culture of irresponsibility. All of these things are counter to a biblical worldview and this highlights the need for us as a society, especially those of us who believe what God has to say about His creation, to reject abortion outright and carefully consider its consequences.

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. —James 4:17

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