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Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists Gather for Major “Climate Repentance” Worship Event

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Apostasy, Climate, Cult, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, World | 0 comments

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The Bible speaks of a major worldwide religion that will begin to form in the last days and it’s becoming ever more clear what that religion is going to be. Many have speculated that it might be a form of Islam, or perhaps the Roman Catholic Church. Some even believe it will be a new religion altogether. But what’s happening now isn’t a new religion, by any means—there have always been groups of people who worship this false god.

because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. —Romans 1:25

But what’s new is that these have been gathering together on a worldwide scale to advance their theology of creation worship and making no qualms about who they are, who they serve, and what their sacraments are. This worldwide creation cult involves people from all walks of life, from every professing religion (including professing Christianity), and has an organized systematic theology that promotes the worship of their god of nature over everything else—including to the detriment of humanity.

An interfaith coalition of creation cultists will be gathering together in London on November 18 to spread their message of despair among the “faithful” as Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus, along with people from every other sect of religiosity, to call on global leaders to “act” for “climate repentance” and to implement ten commandments of “climate principles.”

The “Ten Principles for Climate Repentance” cited by the organizers are:

  1. We are stewards of this world
  2. Creation manifests divinity
  3. Everything in life is interconnected
  4. Do no harm
  5. Look after tomorrow
  6. Rise above ego for our world
  7. Change our inner climate
  8. Repent and return
  9. Every action matters
  10. Use mind, open heart

Yep, seriously. The principle that “Creation manifests divinity” is at the foundation of their idolatrous movement. That anyone claiming to be Christian could be involved in such a movement is a demonstration of the abject judgment upon the minds and intellects of these people. These people are not only under the judgment of God but are the very judgment of God against the entire world.

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What claims to be the Bride of Christ in the world today is, for the most part, a spiritual slut that God’s word says will ultimately end in destruction. While there is always the faithful remnant whom God has elected unto Himself for eternity, the end for the whore is clear—she will succumb to the beast (Revelation 17:1-18).

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