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God’s Judgment: Michigan Passes Ballot Measure to Amend Constitution to Allow Abortion Up to Birth

by | Nov 9, 2022 | Abortion, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The wrath of God is upon us like never before. What seemed like many to be a sure landslide for Republicans turned out to be at best a dried-up lagoon of just a handful of conservatives who barely squeezed by. On the other hand, the vast majority of the nation continued to support the Democrat party and its agenda of death.

Michigan, for example, passed its Proposal 3 which is a constitutional amendment that will codify the right to an abortion all the way up to birth into the state’s Constitution. This proposal, which passed by nearly 12 percentage points, says that it will “provide that every individual has a right to reproductive freedom, including the right to make and carry out pregnancy-related decisions such as those concerning prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion, miscarriage management, and infertility care.”

“The state could not discriminate in enforcing that right,” the Proposal continues, “and it could only deny or infringe that right if advancing, in the least restrictive way, a compelling state interest in the health of an individual seeking care.”

The proposal does read that the state could regulate abortion after “viability” but then it “could not under any circumstances prohibit an abortion that is medically indicated to protect the life, physical health, or mental health of the pregnant individual.” The key phrase here is “mental health”—essentially, anyone could claim mental distress and the state would have no authority to intervene and protect the life of the unborn at any stage during the pregnancy.

And finally, the proposition would disallow any prosecution against anyone for committing an abortion against an innocent life.

That such measures could be passed with so little interest in protecting life speaks volumes of where we are as a nation and gives a full picture of what God meant in Proverbs 8:36, “all who hate me love death.” This nation has a love affair with death—both physically and spiritually. It has quickly become one of the world’s largest death cults. We cautioned against celebration back when Roe v. Wade was overturned that it was not the end of abortion in this nation and would likely lead to even greater measures to protect the religious rite of child sacrifice.

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What this nation is doing in the name of “women’s rights” is at least as bad as anything the Pagan nations that God destroyed in the Old Testament. But worse, the silence of the Church in the face of the mass bloody slaughter of innocent children is deafening. We have a huge portion of the professing church either supporting abortion or minimizing it and Southern Baptist leaders agreeing with measures not to prosecute women for having an abortion.

To see how God deals with those who profess His name, just look at what he said to Israel. He told Israel that He would cause them to eat their own children and each other, and in the book of Lamentations, Jeremiah watches his beloved Jerusalem burn as he sees His people actually eating their own children out of starvation. Nothing should be considered off the table when it comes to how God will deal with the professing Church for their participation in the culture of death.

It is a sad time to be an American and by all means, the true bride of Christ needs to place their full hope and trust in Christ alone. God is separating the sheep from the goats.

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