It’s one thing for charismatic nutcases like Todd Bentley and Benny Hinn to make a mockery of the gospel while doing something they call “church.” But take that mockery of God to a queer bar and hold a mock “healing” service fraught with organ music and everything and you’ve got a serious problem on your hands:
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. —Galatians 6:7
The people in this video have a huge problem as they mock God with their aberrant sexual deviancy and play pretend church with it. These people are severely deceived, are enemies of God, and are doing exactly what their father, the devil, tells them to do. And while the gospel and salvation are not beyond anyone, and we should pray that people like this turn from this evil and turn to Christ, we should also be upfront and clear with them that their ends will correspond with their deeds lest they repent.