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Mark Driscoll Accuses Mars Hill Leadership of Plotting to Oust Him By Framing Him for Committing Adultery

by | Oct 27, 2022 | News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

Mark Driscoll is the fallen pastor who was forced to resign from Mars Hill, the church he founded for, well, basically being a horrible person. On accusations ranging from plagiarism to bullying, one thing is for sure, Mark Driscoll was a prideful man.

In recent years, however, Driscoll has resurfaced and made a comeback (as most fallen pastors do) in the charismatic and seeker-sensitive movement. Formerly an icon for the Young, Restless, and Reformed (New Calvinist) movement, Driscoll now runs around with prosperity gospel charlatans and doctrinally vapid emergents like Perry NobleJames MacDonald, and Steven Furtick.

Now, Driscoll accuses the leadership of Mars Hill of plotting to oust him by making accusations of adultery against him. Driscoll says that the church’s leadership told him that if he didn’t resign, they’d all sign an open letter with the accusation.

“God told me a trap is set,” Driscoll said during a recent sermon. He said that God “spoke to” both he and his wife at the same time while they were on opposite sides of the room, and God told both of them that he was “released” and “needed to resign.”

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Driscoll says after that he walked away and didn’t defend himself for eighteen months. During that time, he says he met with some of his “critics and enemies” who claimed to be Christians and used to be friends, “some who were pastors, some who are still pastors.”

“I asked them, God told me a trap was set,” he said during the sermon, “I asked them, do you know what that might be?”

“And these people that we had known said, yeah, the nuclear option was we’re going to accuse you of adultery,” he said. “This was at Panera,” Driscoll said he then told them that he loved his wife and had been faithful to her his whole life and was insistent that neither of them had “ever done anything remotely like that.”

Driscoll says that his friends told him that that is the reason they “kept it as the nuclear option” to get him out of the pulpit. He said they told him that they “knew if they accused him of adultery and enough of us had signed the open letter, that ultimately, there would be such a media firestorm that you would have to exit ministry, exit preaching God’s word, for probably a year while a full investigation was done.”

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