What has become a favorite among non-discerning Evangelicals is actually rank heresy. The Mormon cult, known as the Latter Day Saints, is behind the television series called The Chosen. The Chosen is actually an American fiction tale that revolves around the theological heresy of Mormonism yet Evangelicals without discernment eat it up like it’s the greatest thing to hit the television market since, like, ever.
And despite the fact that the television series pushes Mormon heresy all throughout, we see Evangelical churches lining up in droves to watch it.
In a recently released trailer for Season 3, you can see that the character playing “Jesus” actually quotes the book of Mormon in one of his responses to the Pharisees who says “we will have no choice but to follow the law of Moses.” “Jesus” responds with a quote derived from the Mormon book Nephi in verse 15:9, “I am the law of Moses” which is contradictory to who he said he was in Scripture, “the bread of life.” Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses but never claimed to be the law of Moses.
The verse quoted from Nephi 15:9 states “I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live.”
The comment is made around the 1:28 mark.