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Charismatic “Pastor” Casts Out Demon Who Has Sex With Woman in Her Dreams 🤡🤡

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Cult, News, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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Ed Citronelli is a charismatic false prophet and faith healer who is well-known for his extravagant performances during his “church” services where he supposedly delivers people from their bondage to demons. People, usually naive, unsuspecting people, will come to him so that he can splash “holy water” on them while he speaks to demons and casts them out.

However, these silly performances are pre-planned and rehearsed. The people who come up to him for “deliverance” all have an awkward way of expressing what their ailment is. It’s just so dumb that it’s amazing that people stand around and give this guy money or send him money through his website.

During a recent performance, he speaks to a woman who supposedly has been having “sex dreams” with a demon which is “holding her back” from “her destiny.” And supposedly, this demon that’s having sex with her in her dreams stopped her from getting married, too.

There are really very few words to describe just how bizarre and outlandish this is and how so many people could be deceived enough to follow this man.

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