At this rate, there won’t be any conservative churches left in the Southern Baptist Convention by the end of 2022. These churches are dropping like flies from the denomination citing liberal drift, capitulation to woke, social justice movements, the LGBTQ movement, and feminism. Many are also citing pragmatism and the refusal to call out egregious, unrepentant sin among the leadership of the denomination, including serial plagiarist, Ed Litton, who served as the previous president.
The problem with conservative churches leaving the denomination is the failed leadership; the refusal to address the underlying problems within the denomination that have brought us to this place, to begin with. The problem is that postmodernism has infected every institution in the Southern Baptist Convention in such a way that any public confrontation among leadership is largely seen as taboo. Therefore, we see little to no public accountability for the unrepentant sins of leadership by other leadership.

Now, the lastest church to withdraw its support from the Southern Baptist Convention is California’s First Southern Baptist Church of Waterford.
“I am writing to let you know that on Sunday Evening, August 14th, 2022, the Members of the First Southern Baptist Church of Waterford, CA voted unanimously to remove ourselves from affiliation and cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention,” Gregory Perkins, the church’s senior pastor wrote in a letter to the SBC leadership.
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“The issues for us are numerous,” Perkins said, citing Critical Race Theory, women pastors, Lifeway’s peddling heresy for cash, corruption in other SBC entities including the North American Mission Board (NAMB), the ERLC’s capitulation on sexuality and abortion, unrepentant serial plagiarism, and a lack of trust in the sufficiency of Scriptures, among other things.
Perkins noted an oft-repeated mantra that seems to be prevalent among churches leaving the denomination, “we didn’t leave the SBC, the SBC left us.”
Below is the full text of the letter written to the SBC.