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Episcopal Denomination Passes Resolution to Affirm Sex Change Surgeries in Children of Any Age

by | Aug 15, 2022 | News | 0 comments

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A few weeks ago, The Dissenter reported on an Episcopal priestess who preached a sermon “lamenting” the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Winnie Varghese, one of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta’s “pastors,” denounced in one breath the decision to overturn Roe which guaranteed the right to kill an unborn human being while in the other breath, bloviating over the dignity and worth of human beings.

“But as a person in a woman’s body, I understood the access to medical care for my whole body and the wide-ranging circumstances that might include terminating a pregnancy that might not confront me, but have already confronted my friends…as a priest, I have sat with so many, praying with and weighing their choices because of a pregnancy…”

And just recently, the Episcopal Church passed a resolution apologizing for previously supporting crisis pregnancy centers and condemning their work.

But the Episcopal Church’s epic crusade to destroy innocent children doesn’t end in the womb—they are hell-bent on destroying them outside the womb too. In fact, in their latest resolution, they’re intent on destroying them at any age without limitation.

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In their latest resolution, D066, titled Addressing restrictions on access to gender affirming care, the Episcopal Church calls on churches and members to “advocate for access to gender affirming care in all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages as part of our Baptismal call to ‘respect the dignity of every human being” while also affirming that “all Episcopalians should be able to partake in gender affirming care with no restriction on movement, autonomy, or timing.”

Jesus has been very clear on what he thinks about those, like the Episcopal Church, who cause children to rebel against Him:

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” —Mark 9:42

Thankfully, the Episcopal Church is a dying denomination. Religious data expert, Ryan Burge, published an article titled The Death of the Episcopal Church is Near where he lays out the data showing the severe declining trend in active membership over the last decade. In short, it doesn’t look good.

Burge reports:

In 2009, 725,000 people attended an Episcopal church on an average weekend. According to their own data, the Episcopal Church has about 1.8 million baptized members. Thus, about 40% of members actually attend on a regular basis. That’s been declining steadily over the last decade. A typical year sees attendance dip by 25,000-35,000 people. That represents a 2-3% year-over-year decline. By 2019, the weekly attendance was 547,000. In percentage terms, the Episcopalians have seen their attendance drop by a quarter in just the last decade. 

That information alone is enough to bring tears of joy to the believer–at least, if they don’t exist, they can’t blaspheme God, right? Well, if they don’t exist as a counterfeit church, at least they can’t blaspheme God under the guise of Christianity.

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