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Lecrae Joins Jackie Hill Perry in Watching TV Shows With Gay Sex Scenes

by | Jun 28, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Last month, we reported that Jackie Hill Perry had openly admitted to indulging in sexually graphic, filthy television shows. “Seems like people dislike the finale of Ozarks. It wasn’t perfect but it was clever. Wendy’s question at the end summed it all up (I’m being purposely vague). Not only that. I liked the connection to an earlier season when Jonah didn’t shoot to….yea. I’ll leave it there for now,” she wrote on Twitter from a now-deleted account.

The IMDB Parents’ Guide gives details about the graphic sexual immorality that this television show depicts, including homosexual sex scenes. Below is a shortlist of just some of the grotesque things that the television show Ozark depicts. Mind you, there are some homosexual scenes that are too graphic to even list below—simply disgusting.

  • Graphic gay sex in season 1. As well as some other gay sex scenes.
  • Several sex scenes throughout.
  • Season 3 has brief nudity shown by an older woman during a short sex scene with a much younger man. As well as another casual sex scene with an unclothed couple (no nudity, covered by sheets).
  • An email with an amateur porn video is sent and opened in one scene. The webcam video details sexual actions of a man and a woman from the back with only buttocks shown. It is shown twice. The video is discussed between two men later on. It is played in multiple episodes. A man masturbates in his car and fantasizes about a prostitute giving him oral sex.
  • A pregnant woman is seen pole dancing at a nightclub. Her breasts are clearly visible.
  • A stripper has sex with a man in a private room
  • And much worse (homosexual), too graphic to list here. Trust me.

We found it to be quite odd that a person who claimed to know Christ, and whose testimony demonstrates that one has been rescued from a life of homosexual debauchery, would now openly admit to indulging in such filth after being born again.

Yet, all of that was before her deconstruction of Christianity and being given over to the increasingly popular “woke church” movement.

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Another popular woke deconstructionist is Lecrae. Lecrae, described as a “rapper who happens to be Christian,” can no longer sincerely be described as “Christian.” Lecrae’s own deconstruction has served only to move him further away from Christ and His Bride.

And now, Lecrae has joined Jackie Hill Perry in her indulgence of television filth.

Besides admitting to Ozark, as described above, he’s also indulged in these other shows that depict strong, graphic sex scenes, nudity, and cursing. According to Common Sense Media, Snowfall is a “gritty series about the crack cocaine trade and that it is intended for adults” that contains “beatings, shootings, and other violent behaviors” and “strong sexual content (including gratuitous simulated sex acts, partial nudity), and some cursing, too.”

The fact that these men and women who claim to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit and born again by the blood of Jesus Christ can boast about watching such sick and disgusting filth while lecturing the Church about morality is simply mindblowing.

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