Surprise! Another contemporary Christian artist—who got rich off pimping God for a living and then abandoned Him once he achieved stardom—has come out in full support of anti-Christian values and immorality. Last year, Kevin Max, one of the founding members of the highly popular decades-old Christian band, announced that he was no longer a Christian—he was an “exvangelical.”

Since the renunciation of his faith, his moral compass has taken a complete 180 and turned to total rebellion against God and His law. Last year, Max posted a shortlist of everything he is now for which reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments.

And demonstrating that he has no understanding of God’s word—and obviously never has during his entire career as a mainstream Christian artist—he asked the rhetorical, lame, and completely clueless question: why didn’t Jesus ever speak about homosexuality?

So after tracking Max’s devolution into the pits of Hell on Earth, it should come as no surprise that he has now taken to social media to declare his full support for a woman’s “right” to “choose” whether or not she will murder her child in the womb or not. In a recent Instagram post, he published a picture with the repetition—much like the style of modern contemporary music—”men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies” with the caption, “Nuff said.”
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