The most significant rebellion in the Scriptures—in the history of the world—was first perpetrated by a woman who questioned God’s authority. This rebellion, in the Garden of Eden, is what led to the fall of humanity and the separation of humanity from the presence of God. This rebellion, which is repeated over and over in modern times, only ever leads to death and destruction.
And the men, like Adam, who should be leading women away from sin, rebellion, and destruction are instead complicit and leading them right into it.
The role and function of pastoral leadership, which includes all of the functions of a pastor such as preaching and teaching, is reserved for men. Of course, this does not preclude women from all ministry functions in the Church—God has clearly instructed women to care for children and teach other women within a certain context and framework. But it is clear that preaching and teaching men are forbidden.
This particular act of rebellion is what false teacher, Beth Moore, is notorious for. Her idolatry of leadership has led her to become one of the most notorious false teachers that Evangelicalism has ever seen. Her rebellion against God, her insistence on preaching to men and taking the pulpit and churches have led her to not only blaspheme God repeatedly in this way but to be given over to many other false teachings as well. She’s embraced such heresies ranging from Roman Catholicism to social justice and has even left the Southern Baptist Convention altogether because of the denomination’s position on women preaching to the Church.
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Yet, Evangelicals associated with the Southern Baptist Convention continue to encourage women to pursue this path. Wheaton College, where both Christine Caine and Ed Stetzer have teamed up for the Propel Women program, is a program that teaches women how to become preachers, pastors, and ministry leaders. Christine Caine, like Beth Moore, is a former pastor of Hillsong Church and has repeatedly preached to both men and women at conferences, churches, and other gatherings.
These two are propelling women right into rebellion and destruction.