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Woke Anglican Church Does “Transgender” Remix of “Be Thou My Vision” Hymn

by | Apr 9, 2022 | Apostasy, Entertainment, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, Religion, Social Justice, The Church, Video, World | 0 comments

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Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you turn to social media, and, well, the blasphemy has reached new heights. St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Cottam recently put on a transgender remix of the traditional Irish hymn, Be Thou My Vision.

According to this church’s website, “St. Paul’s is an affirming, inclusive community that seeks to ensure that all people know they are valid, they are valued, and they are loved.”

Replacing the tried and true original lyrics, the “Trans Day of Visibility” version boasts lyrics as follows:

God of many genders, our world reflects you
sunrise and sunset uniting our hues
woven into a city with jewels of all shades
houses of ruby and walls rowed with jade.

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God of many names, we invite you to show
us the new names that reflect our true souls

Well, you can just listen for yourself.

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